This monograph describes competency-based governance and explains the processes and resources developed by the Blue Ribbon Panel Work Group to help boards integrate competencies into their work. It is intended as an introduction to the Competency-Based GovernanceTool Kit, a comprehensive resource that includes all of the tools developed by the Work Group and provides guidance for implementing them.The resources included in the Tool Kit are also available through the Center’s web site at www.americangovernance.com.
Together, this monograph and the Tool Kit will be particularly useful to board Governance Committees and board leaders interested not only in improving individual trustee performance, but also the performance of the board as well.
A growing body of research is strengthening the link between trustee, board and organizational performance. In this era of reform, health care governing boards can take an important first step to deepen that link by developing the competencies their members need to capably perform the important and critical governance work that lies ahead.
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